Watch The Big Reveal below
The BIG REVEAL and Implementation Kick-off
UW-Extension’s Design Wisconsin Team live broadcast reveal for Three Lakes
THREE LAKES, Wis. (November 12, 2020) — It has been over a year in the making. A great collaboration between Three Lakes and the Design Wisconsin Team is leading to the climactic reveal. Watch the live broadcast on the Forward Three Lakes WI Facebook page at 7:00pm Wednesday, November 18, 2020.
After gathering information and community sentiments through a multitude of strategic community-wide contacts to form the town’s Shared Vision, the Design Wisconsin Team continues to be hard at work, all 21 of them. Now, with a working draft Shared Vision and other variables like demographic and economic data, the Design Team’s biggest job is in full production. The results will include graphic representations of a variety of future enhancements for the town’s continuing vitality. Short, medium and long-term plans will form the basis of the design team’s findings.
To get a quick start acting upon these new plans, the next evening, Thursday, November 19 at 7:00pm will be the kickoff of community-wide implementation efforts. Please join us online by registering for the Zoom call at:
Following an orientation by Design Team members, there will be smaller break-out sessions based on the participants’ particular areas of interest. From this start, the process of implementing these Design Wisconsin ideas will progress. Helping our town move forward will be an important added dimension to town life. It sure will help getting Covid-19 behind us, too. We look forward to seeing tangible fruits taking shape throughout 2021. Forward Three Lakes!
Please check out these two main places with updates: this website and our Facebook page Forward Three Lakes WI. Questions may be left at 833-600-3828.